Finding Joy Week 7
One step at a time. That was my motto for the week. Weight loss seems to me like an endless series of small steps in the right direction....
The best views comes after the hardest climb....
I am going to branch out and talk about exercise. Nutrition is my usual jam but I ALWAYS get asked about exercise. Mostly it is new...
Finding Joy Week 6
Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success. -C.S. Lewis Nothing illustrates this more for me...
What it really looks like...
We are bombarded with images from media about what weight loss looks like... Before and after pictures. The flashy sales pitches " 10...
Spring TIME ! No excuses
Spring Cleaning: Time to Throw Out the Excuses Other than New Year’s, there is probably no other time during the year that motivates us...
Does a Plateau mean I am failing?
Here is the senario; You are cruising along, eating healthy drinking lots of water and you are dropping weight consistently and you come...
Finding Joy Week 5
This week I found my stride! I'm not sure if it was the weather (though that really helps my mood and getting my family outside) or if...