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Finding JOY- One full Year!

So, it been a year since my first humbling appointment in Lucinda's office. Seriously, a FULL year of working on me. This journey has been full of ups and many downs. I had no ideas the year would be one of learning, trying, failures, successes, new friends, and persistence. If there is any one thing that I can say is the reason I have lost weight and I will continue to lose weight, it's persistence. A win is when you keep trying when nothing seems to be changing for months. Persistence is getting back on track after Christmas with a positive attitude. I have no illusion that the next year and the next 50 lbs will be hard to lose but with Lucinda on my side, how could I fail?

In March of 2016 we took a photo that I feel proud to show beside my in progress photo.

Feb 18, 2017

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