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Kombucha Flavours

I have been teaching workshops about Kombucha regularly. (It is a fermented tea that is a probiotic drink) My next event is planned in Olds in January and details can be found on the events page of my website or Facebook page.

A very common question is what favours can I use? I thought since many of you that read the blog are now making Kombucha it might be good to share this info here. I borrowed this info off of the Kombucha Brew Crew Facebook page. Lots of GREAT flavor ideas here.

Kombucha Second Ferment Flavors


Kombucha 2nd Ferment Varieties

*NOTE: These flavors do not replace advice given by your healthcare provider. Always seek medical attention first and share any dietary changes with your doctor(s)*

For 750 ml wine bottle size:

1/4 granny smith, blended plus ginger slices

1/2 pear chopped plus 1 sprig rosemary

3 limes and 1 cup strawberries per 750 ml wine bottle

1 date chopped and 1-2 tbsp. dried elderberries

2 fresh peaches (pureed) and a 2 inch piece of ginger (sliced)

16oz bottle


1/8 tsp sassafras, 1/8 tsp sasparilla, 1/8 vanilla bean with seeds, 1/4 tsp wintergreen

apple pie variations

1 T apple sauce, 1/2 cinnamon stick, 2 cloves, whole, 1 star anise,

1 slice ginger peeled and chopped about 1 tsp

1/2 fugi apple diced, 1-1.5 in of cinnamon stick, 2 cloves

diced braeburn apple pieces, 1 piece candied ginger, 1/2 t vanilla, sm cinnamon stick

Lemon Cayenne

1/4 lemon, 1/16 tsp cayenne

Other Flavor Combos (Unspecified amounts):

pureed kiwi and parsley, to second ferment with a green tea kombucha. It has that dry champagne, only slightly sweet, taste. And SUPER fizzy.

hibiscus flower with blackberry sage tea

pineapple mango

pineapple strawberry

grapefruit ginger

ginger piña

cucumber dill

fermented honey (from garlic honey ferment), garlic and turmeric

Ginger, Lemon, Vanilla and Almond

Peach and vanilla

Hibiscus and strawberry

Lavender and vanilla

watermelon and raspberry Ginger, Lemon, Vanilla and Almond

Peach and vanilla

Hibiscus and strawberry ...

Lavender and honey

watermelon and raspberry

strawberry and basil

pineapple and ginger

green apple, cinnamon and cloves

thyme and lime

holy basil (gives slight liquorice taste)

Russian Tea - 16 oz. bottle - 1 fresh squeezed orange or clementine, dash of cinnamon and cloves, 3 pieces of candied ginger

Hibiscus and rose (very sweet without adding honey or sugar)Lavender and blackberry

Fig and honey

Berry Veggie (Naked Juice)

Trader Joe's 100% cranberry juice

For Medicinal Purposes

*NOTE: These flavors do not replace advice given by your healthcare provider. Always seek medical attention first and share any dietary changes with your doctor(s)*

Kidney Stones: cranberry and pomegranate

cranberry prevents, pomegranate helps expel

Cancer: berries, ginger, horse radish, onion turmeric

Nausea: Ginger

Blood Pressure: Hibiscus, manaca, thyme, licorice root

Anxiety, Depression and sleep: lavender and chamomile

Antibacterial: garlic, manuka honey, cranberries, oregano, peppermint, onion, horse radish, cinnamon, coconut

COPD: licorice root, colts foot, osha root, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, peppermint, chaparral, lobelia inflata, manaca

Memory and cognitive function: ginger

Fungal infections including candid: ginger

Salmonella: oregano, cinnamon

E. Coli: oregano, cranberry

Expectorant (phlegm): licorice root, thyme, lobelia inflata, chaparral

Muscle relaxant: lobelia inflata

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