Salad Dressing Online Email Class
I thought I would tell you about a class I offer.. It can be done anytime. I send it in email form so you can take the class in your spare time. Here is a great review that came in about it:
"I am so glad that I took the few minutes necessary to complete the salad dressing course that Lucinda created. While the idea of making a variety of dressings each week seemed like too much in a busy life, Lucinda was able to create a course that was very concise and easy to access. It is possible for any member of a family to create these dressings as another step toward healthy living. Her ideas use real food products that are available at a local grocery store and she provides a variety of recipes including both creamy and oil based possibilities. She describes many options with both the containers necessary to create the dressings as well as the flavour options within each category while providing step by step instructions and things to watch for in the ingredients. The best feature of this course was the reminder that small steps add up in a big way when it comes to our health journey. For me, it gave me a reminder of dressings I have used in the past and a springboard for flavours I would like to try. From the comfort of your home, with a very small time commitment, Lucinda can help transform your salads to healthy, delicious and, best of all, fast!' - MA
Let me know if you want to sign up for this class and learn how to make Easy Home Made Salad Dressings!! (Cost is only $20)
Register online here: REGISTER Email me at today!