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Finding Joy Week 13

What was your starting point? You know, the one where you looked into the mirror and said “who is that??”. After baby number two and a failed attempt at losing weight, that was exactly where I was. I was almost ready to just get rid of all my skinny clothes and call this my body shape, like it or not. A great conversation with Lucinda was all it took to give me hope again. Talking about goals and progress (or in some cases the lack of progress) I have reflected on where I was and where I'm at now. Facebook took it upon itself to remind me just how far I've come with a memory from two years ago. Two years ago I had my baby. I was big, unhappy, uncomfortable and did my knees ever hurt! 60+ extra pounds for a 6 lbs baby was a lot of weight to carry on my 5'5” frame. Looking at that photo I am reminded that even though I'm not close to my goal, I'm still 60lbs down from 2 years ago and that's something to be proud of!

P.S. I will be at MOM'S TIME OUT IN OLDS this Friday @1030 at the cadet hall to talk about this journey and what blogging about it is like! Come out and say HI!

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